
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Field Trip!

For work we took a field trip to the Kennecott copper mine.  We do trips every month or so just for team morale and to get people out of the office.  After getting lost because of an interesting navigator :) we finally made it there about an hour before they were "evacuating". Sounds intense, right!  They were doing a blast near the visitor's center so we had to leave, but we really wished we could have stayed to watch.  Just an FYI, it is one of the largest copper mines in the world, producing a 4th of the copper for the US.  They say it is one of the few man-made things that can be seen from space...and since I wouldn't know, I believe them.  It's about 2 miles across and a mile deep.  I have wanted to see it for a long time and finally got to go for free!  Pretty sweet deal.

Calvin (the boss) joking around and posing 
Just to give you idea of how HUGE the
gravel trucks were compared to a semi.

Riley and Jeff reading about the early mine cars
Lots of truck constantly moving rock

I thought the leveled sides were interesting.
We found out it was because they used to have
rails for the cars to spiral down.

Me and Nicole--the only girls at our company, ha.

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