
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Pioneer Day

One of the beauties of being in Utah for Pioneer Day is that I got the day off! So, I flew home to see Landon and our families. I spent most of Friday and Saturday with my parents while Landon's family was working on the farm. It was great to be home!  Mom and Dad tried to leave the weekend available so they could spend time with me, which was fun.  We went to the ward pioneer day celebration, and it was really great to see all of the women in our ward that I grew up with--Sister Monson, Sister Strebel, Sister Pierce, etc. They just make me smile. I got Mom and Dad to pose in a pioneer picture with me too.

We were being like pioneer days when they were always serious in pictures.

 On Saturday we went swimming at the Haine's and admired their beautiful yard while we were there. Mom cracked me up with the swimming because she was so sure she would drown.  But Dad and I talked her into a good kickboard race with us.  Oh, and can I tell you how much I miss having raspberries growing in the backyard! Dad and I had raspberries and milk for breakfast one day, and it reminded me of when I was little.  We would put lots of sugar on it, and you would scrape it off the bottom of the bowl with the raspberry milk that was left after finishing the berries. I never get to do that these days because they are so expensive!
I also met David this weekend--the brother who has been on a mission to Brasil. He gave his homecoming talk on Sunday and did a fantastic job. There was a huge get together at the Rowley home afterwards for lunch, which was fun.   We got in some family pictures while everyone was home.  Ryan even made it because he graduated from BYU-I this weekend!
I got to stay through Monday, so I took some pictures of people working and did some other office work until we had to leave to catch my plane.  It was really nice to be home!


  1. I love the serious faces. Ha. :) You crack me up. What good lookin' pioneers! Sorry we missed you. :(

  2. I did the raspberries and milk with my kids last summer when we went picking. They needed LOTS of sugar, but then they decided it was okay. Maybe an acquired taste? I love it, though! P.S. you and Dad are not great at the serious faces. They are pretty hilarious. I can't do them, either, though.
