
Friday, February 18, 2011

Might Need To Find a Different Hobby

Landon's parents recently got to go on a trip to Aruba.  Although I was pretty jealous, it helped when they brought us back souvenirs, including a cool set of dominoes.  Everyone in my family seems to collect something interesting from other countries.  For some it's chess sets, for others it's nativities, and for us it seems to be cool dominoes sets.  We have one from Landon's trip to Mexico and another now from Aruba.  I suppose it's a liberal use of the word "collecting" when we only have two, but after all the world traveling we are planning, it is sure to become a good collection.  After about 6 games of me losing, Landon tells me, "I'm really glad you are not a gambler."  I kept telling him it was because he always went first, but I finally got to go first in the last game, and I still lost.  I just can't end on a losing game...but I can't seem to win either.  It's true--I should never get started on gambling.


  1. Sorry, but I've known you shouldn't be a gambler for years. The rest of us have exploited you shamelessly since you were a kid because we knew you couldn't stand to lose. What is the definition of crazy again? To repeat the same behavior over and over and expect a different result? :) JK.

  2. Ha. Did I ever tell you about when Michael and I were playing Canasta in the airport/on the plane? We probably played like 6 or 7 full games and I lost EVERY STINKING ONE. It was so frustrating! I asked him, "Can I get a hot chocolate? I'm so frustrated." (You know, comfort drink.) Anyway, so while I go to get it, he sets up the next game. He rigged it so I got all (and I mean ALL) the good cards. At first, I didn't catch on. I was just like, Hey, this is great! But after about the 5th perfect card, I knew he set me up. We kept playing. Guess what? I STILL lost. Ha. :) It's funny. Now. Hehe. :)

  3. Hey now Tami. I only am crazy like that with ridiculous games...and maybe some other things. And Anita, that's hilarious. I can totally relate :)
