
Sunday, December 30, 2012

Our Little Destroyer

When Landon was a youngster they called him "annihilate". It was part of the threesome with his brother Ryan and sister Whitney, whom their parents deemed "Search", "Destroy", and "Annihilate", because Ryan would always find something new, Whitney would break it, and then they would run off while Landon destroyed it to smithereens...and he got in trouble.  Typical.  

Later in life Landon was called "Slayer", because apparently he knew how to foul someone properly in basketball. 

Now we just call our little guy "Destroyer". Apparently it runs in the genes. Any time he sees any kind of tower he gets really worked up and HAS to knock it over. He really is pretty upset until it's down. Even after making this video, we showed it to him, and he would get all excited watching himself destroy the towers. We used it as incentive to help him learn to crawl. Cracks me up.


  1. Love it! Using the destructive power as crawling incentive is pure genius. Parenting at its best!! :)

  2. I think he could be all three. You're going to have to start calling him, "Search, Annihilate, Destroyer," or something--he just zones in on that block tower! :) So cute and fun!
