
Thursday, November 10, 2011


I always thought that cravings while pregnant were a myth.  But I definitely am "one of those women" who gets them.  So far the biggest one has been boiled eggs. In any form, really. I have had several egg salad sandwiches lately, and a couple of just boiled eggs mixed with butter and salt. Apparently I need more protein or something. Landon is totally perplexed by it. "You haven't eaten a boiled egg in over a year of marriage, and now all of a sudden that's all you want?" he asks. Aside from that, pickles have suddenly been very appealing, as well as pizza (I'm not sure that one's unusual, just more extreme).  And somehow sweets like chocolate, to which I'm usually an addict, don't really call to me. Well, I should clarify...not quite as much, but I still splurge more than I should.


  1. I didn't have too many cravings when I was pregnant, but I had plenty of aversions. Pizza was one of them. I remember very vividly making a frozen pizza for dinner and eating two bites of it before deciding I couldn't handle it anymore. Chris had just walked in the door from school, and I broke down in tears because I couldn't even eat pizza. I thought I would die.

  2. Haha! I had both! No chicken in any form. Mostly I just craved ice cream. Which did not make a "sensible weight gain" very easy.

  3. Congrats! How exciting. I hope you have a great pregnancy.
