
Monday, September 10, 2012

Anniversary and fun

We finished the crib and the baby's room! Yay. Here are some pics from our last couple of weeks.

He's become a thumb-sucker. It used to be the whole fist, but he has now
found individual fingers. He spits the pacifier out to get them, ha.

Landon putting in the last screw on the crib.

He's learning how to work while he's young ;)

Ty's also getting into the jumper lately. It scared him at first, but he's liking it more and more.
Our second anniversary was last week! Landon brought me these :)
We were lucky that Whitney babysat for us so we got to use our free passes and go to Seven Peaks. It was great to just have some fun together, and it was a beautiful day for it. I was so excited, I just love water parks.

Later that night we decided we wanted to do a barbecue in the canyon.  We invited others, but it was last minute, so Ryan was the only one who could come with us, but we had a fun time. As you can see, Landon was pretty proud of our big burgers.
Tyson seemed a bit unimpressed by the dinner...
but he loved dessert. We made s'mores and he helped us roast them just right.

We used those Gihugic ones that are especially for camping. That's a lot of marshmallow. Unnecessarily large in my opinion, but it's more exciting that way.

Tyson watching some Saturday college football with Daddy. We had just put the chair together so it was still in the living room and Landon was taking advantage.

Tyson and I made Landon this fruit pizza on an especially rough day for him. He had planned to get his bike pumped at the place on the way to school, but it turned out all of the places he used to do it weren't there anymore. So he spent all day walking his bike the rain. We hurried to get this made for him by the time he got home.

We also finished the baby room. I was pretty pleased with how it turned out.  Thanks to Grandpa Rowley for helping us with the crib, and to Mama Rowley for the vinyl lettering.

Tyson also went to his first football game. Lest you assume he was always just a raggamuffin with no pants on, I must explain that he started with really cute pants, but it was so HOT outside that we were trying to keep him from heat exhaustion. Lots of sunscreen and kept him in the shade. He seemed ok except the constant noise got to him by the end...and he has woken up screaming with nightmares since, so I think the cheering might have really scared him...Poor kid. He's a trooper.

But the noise could not have been too bad, since he slept through the second quarter and halftime.

Other than that, Landon's in school, and I'm just trying to keep up with the little guy. If you have any fun ideas for things to do with a 5 month old, I'm taking suggestions.