
Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Be My Valentine

Landon and I had a fun Valentine's this year, aside from the usual homework and MCAT prep. Landon has mentioned a couple times that he has wanted a nerf gun, so I decided that cupid would get him one this year. Really not that romantic, but I decided to go with "fun" instead.  I left him this note on the doorstep with the nerf gun wrapped in red paper.  Inside, I was waiting, with mission impossible music blaring, and I moved all of our furniture around to be a battle field so you could use the couches and tables for cover.  I was pretty tricky and hid the valentine's candy near the door, so he missed it on the way in, and went through the whole house before he found it, ha.  With the candy I left him a book of "52 Reasons Why I love You," so it was at least somewhat romantic, right? 

I thought it was planned so perfectly, except I forgot to put batteries in his gun.  He thought I took them out on purpose, ha. So he had to make a break for the office to put the batteries in before he could really  shoot back or search the house, but it worked out ok.  However, I am already regretting giving him a nerf gun. He sat and shot me like a million times all night. 

I found this from Landon--he knows how I love cinnamon gummies and chocolate :) He did some other fun things like getting up early to make me breakfast. Some of our celebration was last weekend for the sake of time and homework. Landon asked me out on a fun dinner date.  He also knows the way to my heart is through food ;) 

We even got treats from our sister Whitney on our doorstep.  I told Landon he had competition, because it asked me to be her valentine :)  He said it was no competition, because his said "Be my valentine FOREVER!"


  1. How fun! I gave Rex a book of "52 Reasons Why I Love You." Was yours made out of a deck of cards? I made mine at a Super Saturday event.

  2. oh yes, gotta take advantage of those relief society ideas, right?! I love the super saturdays.
