
Sunday, January 16, 2011


Recently I have made a very important discovery. So, my dearest gave me a sweet hat for Christmas. It’s one of those that are like a beanie with the ear flaps and crocheted strings and a fun ball at the end of the strings. It’s like the one in this picture - sweet hat huh!  On the mission you always learned that when you bent over to wash your hands or to pick up your scriptures that you should cover your pocket. If you didn’t, just about every time you would have a pocket vomit. Yea not a very good thing, right, but it’s really funny when it happens to somebody else.  Anyway, naturally afterward and still I catch myself doing this, but just whenever I wear a white shirt and lean over I always with one hand cover my tie and hold my pocket- even if there is nothing in there. Ha. My recent discovery has to do with these natural bodily mannerisms. I have decided that those stringy balls on my hat are sweet but they always get in the way. Whenever I am putting on my shoes or trying to find my zipper to put on my coat or simply just eat a bowl of cereal I am constantly trying to push them back out of the way. Annoying right! So, I told Britney I don’t know how girls do it with long hair cause it would just drive me nuts to always be pulling my hair out of the way. She said I know huh and especially when you are eating a bowl of cereal and you just did your hair and somehow you get one of your hairs falling down into the milk. Yea I agree it’s a pain. Oh well I guess. I think my hat's sweet and I wouldn’t trade long hair or my hat for it, but just love it when it happens. So here is my shout out for all you girls who have long hair- I now feel for you and have a little more sympathy. But your beautiful long hair is worth it.

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